Warren-Newport Public Library District Lake County, Illinois Board of Trustees Policy 4001 Community and Interlibrary Cooperation Adopted: December 8, 1981 Reviewed/Revised: February 1999; January 14, 2003; February 19, 2008; October 16, 2012; July 15, 2014; August 15, 2017; March 17, 2020; February 21, 2023 Recognizing that the Warren-Newport Public Library District (WNPLD) will be strengthened by participating in various cooperative endeavors, the Board of Trustees encourages WNPLD’s membership and participation in interlibrary and interagency activities and agreements. Because no single library can meet all of the demands of its community, WNPLD is a member in the Reaching Across Illinois Libraries System (RAILS) to provide expanded library services and access to outside resources. To gain maximum benefits from belonging to this system and from other cooperative efforts, the Board of Trustees encourages WNPLD staff members and Trustees to participate in system activities. The Board of Trustees also encourages staff members and Trustees to participate in local, state, and national library associations to facilitate sharing information and to increase awareness about library developments and evolving issues. Recognizing that cooperation among community and governmental agencies at the local level is of equal importance with interlibrary cooperation, the Board of Trustees encourages participation by staff members and Trustees in community and intergovernmental activities and cooperative ventures. The Board of Trustees also recognizes that all Trustees should become knowledgeable about any legislation that may affect libraries at the national, state, or local level. To make its interests and concerns about such legislation known, the Board may take a position on such legislation and submit it to the appropriate legislators or governing bodies. _________________________________________