Link to WNPL Homepage Board of Trustees Regular Meeting November 16, 2021 7:00 PM Meeting Room B AGENDA I. Call to order, roll call, and determination of quorum. {<1} II. Pledge of Allegiance. {<1} III. Reading of the Mission Statement. {<1} IV. Public Comments, Correspondence and Communications. INFORMATION {20} a. Public Comments. The Board of Trustees allows up to 20 minutes for Public Comment. Individuals may introduce themselves and speak on any library issues, not to exceed 3 minutes. Those who want their remarks to be added to the Board record must provide a copy to the Board Secretary prior to speaking. b. Written: i. Memoranda from legal counsel, if any. ii. Draft bonus note. iii. Other. V. Consent agenda (Any trustee may remove items from the consent agenda for separate action by the Board.) ACTION {2} a. Secretary’s report: Approval of minutes of: i. Regular Meeting October 19, 2021 ii. Executive Session Minutes November 02, 2021, to remain closed to the public b. Report of Standing Committees. Committee of the Whole Meeting November 2, 2021: i. Finance ii. Building and Grounds iii. Policy iv. Personnel v. Summary and General c. Monthly Financial Report for September 2021 d. Approval of payrolls for October 2021 e. Approval of bills payable for September 2021 f. Patron Suggestions October 2021 g. Approval of Board Policy 3015 Materials Selection h. Approval of Personnel Policies: i. 305 Holidays ii. 530 Remote Work MOTION: THAT THE CONSENT AGENDA BE APPROVED AS PRESENTED. VI. Item(s) removed from consent agenda, if any. ACTION {5} VII. President’s report. INFORMATION {1} VIII. Reports of other trustees. INFORMATION {5} IX. Executive Director’s report November 2021. INFORMATION {3} X. Old business a. Library operations and mask requirements update. INFORMATION {5} b. Merit increases for 2022. INFORMATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION {15} XI. New business a. Ordinance 2021/2022-5 Correcting Scrivener’s Error in Budget and Appropriation Ordinance. ACTION {5} MOTION: THAT THE BOARD APPROVE ORDINANCE 2021/2022-5 CORRECTING SCRIVENER’S ERROR IN BUDGET AND APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. b. Ordinance 2021/2022-6 Annual Levy Ordinance. ACTION {5} MOTION: THAT THE BOARD APPROVE ORDINANCE 2021/2022-6 ANNUAL LEVY ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. c. Year-end bonus for staff. ACTION {5} MOTION: THAT THE BOARD CELEBRATE WNPL’S WONDERFUL LIBRARY STAFF FOR THEIR SERVICE TO OUR COMMUNITY AND THAT WE ACKNOWLEDGE THEIR EXCELLENT WORK WITH THE STAFF BONUSES INCLUDED IN THE CURRENT BUDGET PRIOR TO DECEMBER 31, 2021. d. Treasurer’s report of annual Receipts and Disbursements. ACTION {5} MOTION: THAT THE BOARD APPROVE TREASURER’S REPORT OF ANNUAL RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS AS PRESENTED. e. Other potentially actionable items: Agenda items for December 2021 Regular Meeting. ACTION {5} i. Semi-annual review of closed session minutes. ii. Approval of Per Capita and Equalization Aid Grants Application. iii. Executive Director’s Annual Performance Evaluation. iv. Other. XII. Enter into Executive Session to review the performance of specific employee 5ILCS120/2.(c)(1). ACTION {30} MOTION: THAT THE BOARD ENTER INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION 5ILCS 120/2.(c)(1) TO REVIEW THE PERFORMANCE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. XIII. Reconvene Regular Meeting. ACTION {>1} XIV. Public forum {15} The Board of Trustees allows up to 15 minutes for Public Forum. Individuals may introduce themselves and speak on any library issues, not to exceed 3 minutes. Those who want their remarks to be added to the Board record must provide a copy to the Board Secretary prior to speaking. XV. Announcements {5} a. By the chair: i. Communications to the public ii. Upcoming calendar: 1. Next Committee of the Whole Meeting: Tuesday, December 7, 2021, 7:00 p.m. 2. Next Regular Board Meeting: Tuesday, December 14, 2021, 7:00 p.m. b. By other trustees or the director XVI. Adjournment. ACTION {<1} MOTION: THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED. {Estimated total duration 136 minutes}