Suggestions & Questions from Our Library Users July 2023 Service-related comments 1. I haven’t been here long, but this library is one of the best part of Gurnee. I love this library! Thanks so much for this compliment. The library is grateful for your support. We love our patrons and communities! Miscellaneous-related comments 1. It has been an ongoing issue (since there was still snow on the ground in 2023) that >1 of your multiple wall.hanging clocks in numerous compartmentalized rooms throughout your library have been & continue to remain incorrectly synchronized w/the rest of the central time zone pleas correct this ASAP. Thank you for your suggestion. Our staff is in the process of evaluating and replacing clocks as time and budget allows. Thank you for taking the time to help us improve our service to you. If suggested a title for purchase, we have passed it along to staff members who order materials. Ryan Livergood, Executive Director Patron comments appear here unabridged and unedited.