Books & Reading

Database NameInside WNPL Link:DescriptionOutside WNPL Link:Category
Pebble GoPebbleGo Aimed at students from Pre-K to 6th grade, this database is packed with informational articles, ready-made activities, and literacy supports for students of all abilities.PebbleGo (WNPL card not required)Children's Interests
Gale Virtual Reference - EbooksGale Virtual Reference - EbooksSearch trusted reference ebooks from Gale.Gale Virtual Reference - EbooksBooks & Reading
hooplahooplaThis service allows you to instantly borrow free digital movies, TV shows, music, audiobooks and more,hooplaBooks & Reading, Film, Music
LibbyLibbyBorrow ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more for free with your WNPL card. Visit your device's app store to download the free Libby app.LibbyBooks & Reading
NoveList PlusNoveList Plus
Novelist Plus includes adult non-fiction as well as fiction reading choices.NoveList Plus (WNPL card required)
Books & Reading
NoveList Plus K-8NoveList K-8 PlusNovelist K-8 Plus includes children's non-fiction as well as fiction reading choices.NoveList K-8 Plus(WNPL card required)
Children's Interests
WorldCatWorldCatUse FirstSearch to connect to WorldCat, an enormous database of holdings of thousands of U.S. libraries and some in other countries.Available inside the library only.Books & Reading