No Worries, Be Happy! WNPL is Going Fine-Free
Why is WNPL going fine-free?
- Eliminating fines will improve customer service and the patron’s library experience.
- We want to increase access for patrons who cannot currently use our library’s materials.
- Families with limited income depend upon the materials that libraries offer. Fines can be a prohibitively expensive penalty for them.
- The model of charging fines is growing obsolete in a digitally advanced world.
- Many other local & national public libraries have already changed their policies and are now fine-free including: Ela Area; Vernon Area; and Algonquin.
- It has been proven that fines are not an effective incentive to return books on time.
When does fine-free begin?
WNPL will officially become fine-free on Wed., Jan. 2, 2019.
Will overdue fines be waived on ALL materials?
Yes, there will no longer be overdue fines on any WNPL materials.
How will the library get patrons to return borrowed materials without charging fines?
“No overdue fines” does not mean “no responsibility.” Due dates still apply. WNPL will expect items returned in a timely manner. Borrowing privileges will be suspended and a patron will be billed a replacement fee and a $5.00 non-refundable processing fee if materials are not returned within an established time frame. This time frame is dependent on the location where materials are checked out.
Main library checkouts:
- Borrowing privileges are suspended when materials are 2 weeks overdue.
- Patron is billed replacement and processing fees when materials are 4 weeks overdue.
Bookmobile checkouts:
- Borrowing privileges are suspended when materials are 6 weeks overdue.
- Patron is billed replacement and processing fees when materials are 7 weeks overdue.
What happens if I return an item after I receive a bill for it?
The bill (replacement and processing costs) will be removed from your account if the item is still in our system and hasn’t been replaced. Any recovery fees will remain.
Will I be charged overdue fees for items owned by other libraries?
This new policy applies only to items checked out from the Warren-Newport Public Library and its bookmobile. Items checked out from another library are subject to that library’s overdue policies.
Will my taxes increase because of fine-free?
Going fine-free will NOT impact taxes.