Upcoming Programs

Please note: this page contains both Anime Club and TAG team
Anime & Manga Club

Wednesdays, 4:00-5:30 pm in Meeting Rooms A&B
Once a month during the school year
Screenings on Thursdays in The Vault during Summer (no snacks/giveaways)

Watch episodes of your favorite anime together on our big screen! Snacks and giveaways at every meeting. No registration required — just stop by.
TAG (Teen Advisory Group)

Saturday, 11am-noon in McCullough Board Room
Once a month

Volunteers in middle or high school are needed to help plan teen activities. Light refreshments. REGISTER.
Teen Drawing Club

Wednesday, 7-8 PM in The Vault
Once a month during the school year
Every other week in summer

Do you love to draw? Join our club where you can learn techniques from other teens, share ideas, or just hang out and doodle! All skill levels are encouraged to join. Pencils, paper and drawing books provided. No registration required — just stop by.
Book Discussions

Join a book club for great reads, lively discussions, and refreshments!
Grades 6-8: Kool Reads
Grades 9-12: Books on the Edge