WNPL is here for you as you prepare to go back to school!
- Sample ebooks or eaudiobooks from Libby and hoopla or enjoy stories online from BookFlix.
- Check out PebbleGo, for Grades Pre-K to 6, with informational articles, ready-made activities, and literacy supports for students of all abilities.
- Try out fun online resources for learning like Mango Languages!
- Receive online homework help from a live tutor with Tutor.com.
- Meet with WNPL’s resident math tutor, Wilbert Stroeve, in person on Wednesdays, starting September 7, from 6-8 p.m.
- Research issues and topics with articles from General OneFile, Britannica Online, Chicago Tribune, or PressReader.
- Find engaging stories, projects and activities brought to you by WNPL staff on our YouTube channel.
- Attend fabulous programs for all ages, with many in-person or virtual options available.
- Check out a hotspot for three weeks or six weeks.
Youth Services staff members are available to assist children and their parents via phone, email, chat, and in-person during library hours. All schools in WNPL’s district receive services from designated staff members, also known as school liaisons, in the Youth Services Department.
Best of luck to all students and teachers this school year!